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A man walked into a bar...

That man, with no big plans for the year ahead, decided that he’d cram 500 different beers into 365 days. 

Now, it wasn’t necessarily the most sensible project he’d ever undertaken. But nevertheless, four seasons came and went and this brave adventurer gulped, slurped and chugged his way through a half chiliad of brews.

Some were glorious. Some were curious. Some, frankly, left him feeling like he’d been gnawing on a battery. But by the end of this quest he was a wiser, frothier and ever-so slightly hoppier individual.

That man was me – Seth. I’m a creative from Nottingham and, as well as drinking 500 beers (and all the others since) I’m also drawing them all as part of The Art of Beer. 

This is just a taste of the journey. To see the rest of the visual beer diary visit @the.art.of.beer on Instagram.
